Version 4.0

1 Tuff Place is best viewed at a screen resolution of at least 1024 x 768, on a broadband connection, and with an open-source browser such as Mozilla's FireFox capable of Flash, Windows Media, and Quicktime playback.

1 Tuff Place © 2004

Shining Sky

Shifting in the breeze
Shining sky; stain glass curtains
Passers by passing by unrealized, uncertain

Turning around, teeth and a smile
Flying overhead through painted tiles
Then, landing later somewhere
airplane geese clouds time air

Obeying lights on the world’s green roads
the scorch of summer; skin, orange glow
Circumstances, windy glances
walking sunrise lines hand in handed

Silky sounds, black windows reflecting
motion and rain, bending direction

Shifting in the breeze
endless expressions
Angels carry candles
flickering perfection
breath, wine, water, toes
voices, eyes, quiet souls

bus screeching past
Blurred vague faces
looking on

The moment blushes
Exceeding temporary
Atmosphere rushing
By its side
being buried

Surrendering across vision and space
The current breaks day grows late

Mallo dreams of the day in which he will no longer be rooted in the ground, free to play
with all the other sunflowers


Please feel free to express any and all memories or stories concerning Wyles at the 1 Tuff Message Board.