Version 4.0

1 Tuff Place is best viewed at a screen resolution of at least 1024 x 768, on a broadband connection, and with an open-source browser such as Mozilla's FireFox capable of Flash, Windows Media, and Quicktime playback.

1 Tuff Place © 2004

Empty Room

Intense red numbers accelerate on the clock-radio
Sitting sideways staring at the time escape
rapidly from the night

Black and white dialogue share the dim air with cigarette smoke
A green bottle rolls around on the floor by a stranger’s naked feet
The television coughs grey light and a low moan

An hour later; sleep
and vague silence sails over the hardwood room
The window rattles, shivers, and sweats

Mouths agape swallow sour space
Dreams collide on the ceiling
spinning with sullen faces and paper wings

The room, bare otherwise, exudes a musky breath
and outside, normal people begin their day
creeking towards a common place

One open eye, absorbs the stillness
bracing itself
on a cool white pillow.



Mallo faces his arch nemesis Liu Kang in a battle to the death


Please feel free to express any and all memories or stories concerning Wyles at the 1 Tuff Message Board.