Version 4.0

1 Tuff Place is best viewed at a screen resolution of at least 1024 x 768, on a broadband connection, and with an open-source browser such as Mozilla's FireFox capable of Flash, Windows Media, and Quicktime playback.

1 Tuff Place © 2004

Wyles Mallo

Heavily influenced by the filmographies of such Actor's Studio outcasts as Arnold Schwarzenegger, Sylvester Stallone, and Patrick Swayze, Wyles' musical style cannot be easily surmised. As one half of the creative force behind Flava Tribe, Wyles Mallo provides the musicianship to combat CmcD's utter disrespect for instruments. As the senior Flava member (starting with Double D's Funky Fresh Rapping Troupe, which later morphed into FT), Wyles has evolved into a versatile emcee, singer, and sadist with roots based in blues, avant garde rock, reggae, and folk music.


Late in the evening of July 24, 2004 Wyles perished in a tragic car accident. In the hearts of his family and friends his spirit endures. And through his flavatious contributions he can always be heard. Rest in peace good Mallo.


Steven Jesse Mally
February 28, 1981 - July 24, 2004
It can all go so quick in a dark blue night...